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Sir Haare Williams
Ngai Tuhoe, Te Aitanga a Mahaki
Pioneer Māori broadcaster Sir Haare Williams is also a teacher, author and poet is passionate about education and has long championed the use of te reo. His 2019 book Words of a Kaumātua touched on his childhood and the issues stemming from inequality in Aotearoa. Sir Haare co-founded the New Zealand Māori Artists and Writers Association and is kaumātua of the Kotahi Rau Pukapuka intitiative, which aims to produce 100 great books in te reo Māori.
The restorative power of mātauranga Māori
A conversation with Sir Haare Williams about navigating complex issues of racial (in)justice and the restorative and healing powers of mātauranga Māori.

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