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Associated events

Check out these other events that our partners are organising before, during and after Te Tiriti-based Futures Anti-racism 2022. 

He Whakaputanga | Declaration of Independence 1835 - The key to understanding Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Tāmaki Treaty Workers


Presenter Dr Susan Healy heard Ngāpuhi experts present their history and intentions in entering into He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi at the Waitangi Tribunal hearing of the Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu claim. She co-wrote Ngāpuhi speaks: He Whakaputanga and Te Tiriti o Waitangi, Independent report on the Ngāpuhi Nui Tonu claim. Register for free via

Wed, 16 March 2022



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Truth Spoken, Truth Heard

Courageous Conversations about Race

Join us for an in-depth look at why truth is necessary for a collective understanding of racial equity in Aotearoa, through a protocol for healthy and productive conversations about race and racism.

Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon joins our call to rangatira and rangatahi, tangata whenua and tangata Tiriti to celebrate, reflect and honour the legacy of social justice leaders and anti-racism movements. We invite you to be inspired by young, emerging thought leaders and creatives who ‘rise up’ to speak a unified reality into existence.


This korero session includes a host of special guest speakers for an intergenerational conscious-raising experience of keynotes and dynamic panel discussions – Truth Spoken, Truth Heard and Mana Wahine: Honouring our Matriarchs – interwoven with spoken word and delectable vocal performances, making this a day you won’t want to miss. 

Co-hosted by Precious Clark, Chelsea Winstanley, Glenn Singleton, Moss Te Ururangi Patterson and Ripeka Evans

21 March 2022
10:30am - 3:30pm


$20 tickets

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Kōrero on the Intersections of being Māori and Disabled. 

In this panel, kaikōrero Māori will share whakaaro on their journeys of being tangata whaikaha. Colonisation, racism and eugenics are deeply interrelated. Te Ao Māori offers a strengths-based lens on disability, which largely differs from the traditional views of disability in a western world view.

Kaikōrero will reflect on themes including identity, language, and tiriti-based futures from a disability perspective.

Kaikōrero: Tania Bissett, Kiringāua Cassidy, Cha'Nel Kaa-Luke, Te Wainui Witika-Park

Ringa hāpai : Umi Asaka

The kōrero will be NZSL interpreted. On the registration form, please let us know any other access needs you have for participating. A Zoom link will be emailed after registration.

Tue, 22 March 2022



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Te Tiriti framework for news media (webinar)

Tāmaki Treaty Workers


This webinar will discuss the first framework to apply te Tiriti o Waitangi to the work of news media organisations in Aotearoa/New Zealand.

Mass news media in Aotearoa has a history of presenting a colonial view of Māori and te Tiriti. This framework provides questions and suggestions for media workers and organisations to consider how they can report these issues differently.

The authors and presenters are Angela Moewaka Barnes (Te Kapotai, Ngāpuhi-nui-tonu), Belinda Borell (Ngāti Ranginui, Ngai Te Rangi, Whakatōhea), and Jenny Rankine, Tim McCreanor and Raymond Nairn (all Pākehā). They make up Kupu Taea: Media & te Tiriti Project, a research group which has studied how mass and Māori-controlled news media report Māori news and te Tiriti for more than a decade.

The framework was commissioned by Irirangi te Motu for media organisations applying to their Public Interest Journalism Fund.

Tue, 29 March 2022
7:00pm - 8:30pm



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Tauiwi (non-Māori) and Tiriti Justice: What does constitutional transformation mean in Aotearoa?

Tauiwi mō Matike Mai Aotearoa


At the end of treaty education programmes, many tauiwi ask ‘what can we do to finally honour Te Tiriti?’


Tauiwi mō Matike Mai Aotearoa (TmMMA) is a space to continue that discussion, inspired by the vision of Matike Mai Aotearoa: The Independent Working Group on Constitutional Transformation. This webinar is an opportunity to explore what a kāwanatanga sphere might look like if it took the Matike Mai values as foundational and what would need to change from the status quo.

About TmMMA: A forum for building the movement of tauiwi (non-Māori) supporting treaty-based constitutional transformation as envisaged by Matike Mai Aotearoa.

Wed, 30 March 2022

12pm - 1:30



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TmMMA Photo.png

Putting Te Tiriti into Practice

Treaty Resource Centre

As the numbers and types of organisations making commitments to honouring Te Tiriti increase, so does our learning about what's involved.  This seminar will provide an overview of different approaches being used, key features of common strategies such as equity, cultural competence, renormalising te reo me ona tikanga, and Maori engagement, and suggestions about specific steps for organisations at the beginning of this journey.


The facilitator, Christine Herzog, has been involved in Treaty education since the 1980s, mainly in the health, local government, education and not-for-profit sectors.

Mon, 4 April 2022
10am - 12pm




Applying Te Tiriti Allyship in Campaigning Work

Kōtare: Research and Education for Social Change 

This is a workshop/discussion on how we Tangata Tiriti can be better allies in the midst of a range of campaigns and keep challenging ourselves about a practical application of Te Tiriti responsibilities. 

Campaigning for justice based change in Aotearoa requires us to address colonisation and Te Tiriti responsibilities in our activism. Allyship is a practice not an identity and we need to examine the issues of mutual liberation and solidarity whatever the focus of our work. Bring your tricky experiences and mistakes to share – we can help each other !

Catherine Delahunty is a Te Tiriti educator, community based campaigner and tutor for Kotare. She is actively involved in Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki, West Papua National Network and “The Basket – social and environmental justice Hauraki” and more.

Tue, 5 April 2022
4pm - 5:30pm



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Te Tiriti o Waitangi workshop

Run by Tauiwi facilitators from Tangata Tiriti - Treaty People

Join us for this participatory online workshop in two parts.


Part 1: Wed 6 April

- How we connect to Te Tiriti as people from many backgrounds

- The political context leading to a declaration in 1835 and a treaty in 1840

- What the signatories agreed to.


Part 2: Thurs 7 April

- A history of colonisation: Crown actions and Māori resistance

- Matike Mai: a future vision for Aotearoa

- What Te Tiriti means today: next steps for individuals and organisations


Registrations are open to all and are for both sessions.

Spaces are limited to 30 people.

To find out about the next opportunity contact:

Wed, 6 & Thur 7

April 2022
9am - 1pm


Breaks included


Tauiwi Tautoko 10 week programmes

Tauiwi Tautoko


We are excited to announce our first formal 10 week program since 2019, thanks Covid!

Three cohorts of max 25 participants will kick off in April. These will happen in Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland simultaneously. The program starts with a full-day in person training hui on April 9th and ends with a half day in person retro hui on June 11th.***

Weekly webinars are provided throughout the course of the programme for ongoing learning and community support. These will be held online every Thursday evening starting on 14 April from 7 to 8.30pm.

You can read about the background of Tauiwi Tautoko here.


If you are looking for a 'next steps' in the mean time, watch this video from Laura that introduces it:

Starting 9 April
(Christchurch, Wellington and Auckland)

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